The Dylan Samuel Freeman Story

About Alexander's Disease

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OUR HERO - 11/20/1996 - 4/30/2004

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Our community is having a benefit/auction for Dylan May 8th 2004 at 5 pm. Will be held at ScottsMar Farms (Higgenbothem Ranch) Hope everyone can make & join Dylan for this wonderful day.The money raised will help with 24 hour nursing & supplies.

I have brochures available.  If you would like one, email me and I'll send you one!!!

If you have any Fundraising ideas we would love to hear from you.


Dylan has had some rough months recently.  Since November 2002, he has been hospitalized 5 times.  Doctor's discovered that he suffers from severe gastritris.   It took 3 trips to the hospital to get the right kind of medication and dosage regulated.  In April 2003, Dylan began having seizures.  This required another admission to the hospital to perform an EEG.  Trileptal was prescribed.  Each dosage was increased until the seizures stopped.  He is now on 600 mgs. per day, which seems to be working.

July 2003 he was hospitalized because he could no longer swallow food and was choking.  As a result of the swallowing test, doctor's decided to install a G-tube (feeding tube).  This was a seven week stay in the hospital.  Dylan is now home and the feeding tube is working.  He has gained up to 45 pounds.  Prior to being in the hospital his weight was at 30 pounds. 

Since being home, September 2003, Dylan has had some day to day problems, but with the help of Hospice, we are monitoring all of these. 

November 20, 2003 he celebrated his 7th Birthday.


Dylan graduated from CDC (Child Development Center) on May 30, 2003.  He proudly accepted his certificate that he worked so hard to achieve.  We would like to Thank everyone at CDC who worked tirelessly helping Dylan.  Miss Susan, Miss Linda, Miss Connie, Miss Sherri, Miss Paula, Miss Willa, Miss Joann, Miss Ginger, Miss Brenda, Miss Laurie and Miss Laurie daughters who raised money for Dylan with a lemon-aid stand.  Thank you all so much!!!!